Fit Five: Erin

Today’s Fit Five Friday features Erin from New York. Let’s see what she has to say about health, fitness, and her body.

1. What do you love about your body?

I have great hair, a winning smile (thank you Dr. Rivoli), and a mole on my left check that my grandmother tries to wipe off with a napkin that she just licked every time I see her.

2. What would you like to change about your body?

I have a small frame – 4 feet and 10 inches to be exact – and I need to lose weight.  I would also love to be 5 inches taller too, but you cannot have it all.

3. Have you ever been or are you currently on a diet?

I have never been successful on a diet. The only time I was thin, I was a cheerleader in high school and barely ate. I try to eat well by incorporating lots of fruits and veggies, and reducing the amount of gluten that I eat, if any at all.

4. Have you ever or do you currently belong to a gym? 

I have belonged to several gyms. One local gym was so harassing, I never went back.* I like taking classes like Zumba and Hula Hoop, but have found great places to take them outside of a gym. I like to ride my bike and take walks. I walk a marathon each year, so I like to be outside when I walk. I also love to be in the pool and play kickball during the summer.

5. What does fitness mean to you?

Feeling good in my own skin and being able to go out and dance the night away. As long as I can still shake it on a dance floor, I will feel good.

Bonus: What is your current fitness goal?

My current fitness goal is to take more yoga classes. I used to be a faithful yoga participant.  It was the best hour of my week and helped to reduce stress. It is such a great environment to be in.

*I asked Erin if she would elaborate about her bad gym experience. Here’s what she told me:

I joined the RAC [Rochester Athletic Club] for Women in 2000 (I think). It was when it was brand new in Greece. I joined with three friends and we were getting ready for an upcoming wedding of one of our friends. As the first year was ending, the sales rep called me to “encourage” me to join. She said, “I hope you are planning to rejoin, I bet your pants are getting tight.”  I did not rejoin and will never go back to the RAC.

You’d think a gym would know that they’d get more members if they’d lay off the fat-shaming and harassment. More on this in an upcoming post.

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