This Isn’t Stepford!

I’ve been fat all my life, it’s just how life is for me. I’ve heard the gamut of insults slung from my school aged peers, heard the reasons to lose weight, read all there is to read about being fat and why you shouldn’t be but it wasn’t really until a few days ago I really told myself “Yep. I’m fat. Nope, there is not a skinny person inside me wanting to get out and I’m ok with that.” I always had the fantasy of being skinny. WE all know life would be so much better if I (we) were thin. I just know there is skinny person screaming to get out inside me…. WRONG! I’ve also lived most my life really hating that I was fat and just putting myself down, never being fully happy, never able to accept a compliment because I know that person is lying to me, It wasn’t until I discovered HAES (health at every size) and body acceptance that I learned I could be happy AND fat AND I’m still beautiful! Regardless of all the haters there are out there, as the saying goes:

I deserve to be happy.

I really hope this message, that you can be healthy at any size and still love yourself and live a full and happy life regardless of your size starts to spread to the younger audience. All the years of self loathing and depression could have easily been avoided, or at least lessened, had I seen main stream media that showed women and young girls of all sizes, had I not been flooded with images of all thin people on magazines and TV, etc. and thinking “something must be wrong with me.” Here’s to hoping someday soon the mass media will learn that we are all just people and ALL of us worthy to grab life by the horns and that we should be doing so with our heads held high knowing that we too, despite our flaws and despite our size/color/race/gender/handicaps can achieve anything we want to.

This isn’t Stepford, people. Unique people and unique point of views is what makes the world go round.

See the original post here.

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