Back to School

My son’s daycare used to be on the same main drag that a middle school is located on, so every morning I see many kids trudging the streets making their way to school. Then one day I saw the fat girl. She was making her way to school just like …

The Next Generation

I have tried to live and breathe body positivity for myself for the past year. Learning to love yourself after a lifetime of hating is very tough. Things are starting to get a bit better, but there are still struggles. Learning and living with being kind to yourself is one thing, …

When Good Friends Get It Wrong

The other day I ran into the epitome of what, no doubt, I encounter just about every time I flip on Tumblr or read some of the comments left on a body-positive photo. I had a friend over and we were hanging out, just catching up, when she innocently asked …

Where’s the Line?

Amid all the stories covering how to not gain weight during the holidays, and all the upcoming stories on how to lose weight now that it’s a new year, and that’s what we’re programmed to do, where is the line? I’ve been heavy all my life, and always being put …

When Retouched Is Too Touched

I have a problem: While I’m all about body confidence and body love and rooting for every woman’s right to love her body no matter how far it strays from the media’s idea of perfection, I’m having a hard time swallowing even some of the plus size model’s images. I’m …

Advertising Issues and Me

I was eating dinner the other night and flipping through my latest Ulta advert, and the inserted fragrance ads were sitting out next to the book after I was finished. I was still eating dinner and happened to glance down at them, and had a passing thought. Amazingly, I don’t …


It’s 2014, folks, and very near 2015. Movies can be made entirely on the computer, a desktop printer can print a 3D object, robots are being used to clear up hazardous waste, and there are just so many leaps and bounds being made in technology. There are not flying cars …

This Isn’t Stepford!

I’ve been fat all my life, it’s just how life is for me. I’ve heard the gamut of insults slung from my school aged peers, heard the reasons to lose weight, read all there is to read about being fat and why you shouldn’t be but it wasn’t really until …

I Think They Still Know…

This post has been in my head a while, but then resurfaced again earlier this month as I was walking past a window and saw a reflection of myself… I’m a self-admitted “gut sucker.” Meaning I am always sucking my gut in. It’s like second nature these days. I literally …

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