Fit Five: Alex

Today’s Fit Five Friday features Alex from New York. Let’s see what he has to say about health, fitness, and his body.

1. What do you love about your body?

I love my body for its honesty, if I treat it well, it can do wonders, but if I treat it like a trash can, it will make sure I feel like a trash can.

2. What would you like to change about your body?

I would like to get rid of my beer gut, and strengthen up my core a lot more. I firmly believe that having a strong core can help improve athletic performance and also reduce the risk of injuries.

3. Have you ever been or are you currently on a diet?

I don’t think I was ever on a diet. In fact, I actually really dislike the word diet. Whenever people tell me that they are on a diet, I ask them, What are you going to do when you stop the diet? It sounds too much like a temporary solution.

4. Have you ever or do you currently belong to a gym? 

I do currently have a gym membership. As much as I like the convenience of working out from my own home, I like to avoid it as much as like can, because I want my home to be my resting place.

5. What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness to me means being able to stay physically active, and mentally happy. When it comes to working out, consistency is the key. Don’t be a weekend warrior.

Bonus: What is your current fitness goal?

My current fitness goal is to get off my blood pressure meds. It is getting better since my last job, but in order to get completely off from them, I will need to cut some weight.

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