30 Day Shred

I have a pretty big collection of workout DVDs, as you can see. I love walking and swimming when the weather is good, but in the winter, it’s just me and my DVD player (and my elliptical). From time to time, I’m going to share with you my thoughts on …

The Start Line

Do you have a workout that you just love? For me, it’s walking. It was the spring of 2007 when I realized I wanted to take my walking workout to the next level, by signing up for a half marathon. I found a training schedule online, followed it religiously, and …

Fit Five Friday: Jen

Today’s Fit Five Friday features Jen from New York. Let’s see what she has to say about health, fitness, and her body. 1. What do you love about your body? I love my hair. Does that count? I love that my body has always been naturally strong. I’m very fond …

To Sweat, Fashionably

I have two drawers full of workout clothes. Not because I like workout clothes, but because I work out so much. I don’t have much trouble with pants, thankfully. I buy knee-length pants that are not too tight and not too loose, and they get the job done, whether I’m …


I’m behind the times. The Health At Every Size movement has been around for years now, but I only heard about it a few weeks ago. I can’t tell you how glad I am that I found it. Well, wait. Yes, I can tell you how glad I am – …

The Right to Bare Arms

Last night after a rough physical therapy session, I went down to the pool to cool off and soothe my aching leg. I chatted with an older woman who I see there almost every night, and we ended up talking about how even though it’s the middle of summer, stores …

The Power of Words

I’ve been working actively toward achieving greater health for almost a decade now, and with my new goal of getting certified to be a personal trainer, I’m thinking about it almost all the time now. Today, I want to talk about some words that set off warning bells for me. …

Fit Five Friday: Mary

Every Friday (hopefully), I am going to post someone’s answers to the Fit Five, five questions about health and fitness that I’ve asked my friends and family – and you, if you want to answer them! (In truth, there are actually six questions, but Fit Five sounds good, and so …

‘Realize’ This is Poor Marketing

I just stumbled across a website for a company called Realize. Take a look at the image below, from the home page. Those people look pretty good right? My first thought was, “Why in the world would these people need weight-loss surgery?” You have to hover over each person to …

The Skinny Rules

Confession: I love Bob Harper. I started watching The Biggest Loser (something we’ll talk about more in another post) during the first season, and I knew straight off I would give anything to train with Bob. I own most of his DVDs; they provide a great workout and lots of …

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