Guilt-Free Thanksgiving

Stay on track this Thanksgiving. Stick to your diet. Surefire ways to avoid holiday weight gain. Avoid these foods at all costs. Try these healthy substitutes for your holiday favorites. Ten tips for a skinny Thanksgiving. Work out while the turkey’s cooking.

Okay, I made up that last one. But the other headlines are everywhere. A Google search for “diet Thanksgiving tips” yields over twenty-two million results.

The shame and guilt are out in full force now, and they’ll be in your face through the end of the year. You must be vigilant, and not give in to the temptations of mashed potatoes, gravy, a slice of pie. You must count every calorie, avoid all carbs (or fat, or whatever nutrient you’ve been convinced is bad for you), and resist all temptation.

Or you could refuse to take part in the shaming, let go of the guilt, and just, you know, enjoy the holiday. Spend time with family and friends. Whip up your grandmother’s famous cornbread stuffing. Have a side of ice cream with your apple pie. Play a game of touch football before dessert is served – or crash on the couch for a tryptophan-induced nap. Do what makes you happy.

On special occasions such as holidays, a lot of us tend to overeat to the point of discomfort. I’ve done it more than once myself. But if you want a second turkey leg or another helping of squash, I’m not going to judge you – and you shouldn’t judge yourself, either. Give yourself a break. Take a day to really enjoy the taste of the delicious foods on your plate, instead of calculating every calorie and its potential side-effects on your body.

Part of the “everything in moderation” lifestyle we embrace here at BFD involves giving yourself a break, giving yourself the freedom to indulge (notice I did not say “overindulge,” because that implies guilt and shame).

So let’s talk about tomorrow. What are your favorite Thanksgiving foods? I love it all (with the exception of squash and pumpkin pie), from the turkey and stuffing to the mashed potatoes and my aunt’s amazing homemade wheat rolls. If I had to pick a favorite, though, I’d probably go with green bean casserole. Second helping, please!

Happy Thanksgiving, BFDers. May your day be delightful and delicious!

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