Quick! Read These Before We Spin Into the Sun!

Winter can be a really bleak, dark time. Not only are there fewer hours of daylight (and here in my little corner of the northeast, we’re treated to that extra dollop of joy, Constant Gloom), but it can also feel kind of dark in your heart. There’s just so much negativity in the world in general, it can be hard to feel hopeful and happy.

When it comes to BFD issues, we’re surrounded by a whole heap of body negativity, too. Because we’re all supposed to be working on our resolutions to improve ourselves, we’re flooded with advertisements that if we just do X, Y, or Z (and pay lots of money along the way – that’s the important bit), we can finally be thin and the world will not spin into the sun under the weight of all our blubber. And we’re also being inundated with news stories about how the obesity epidemic is destroying the fabric of humanity and driving us all the poor house.

So basically we’re going to be penniless when our collective weight sends the earth into the fiery orbit of our nearest star. Neat!

Anyway, in a small step to combat some of that negativity, I have curated a few quotes that I ran across this week that helped to bring a little bit of light into my winter heart. You can pin these, share them, or even print them out and stick them on your fridge or your bathroom mirror. Enjoy!













Have you found some quotes that inspire you, encourage you, or make you happy? Please share them in the comments! And then go off and have yourself a wonderful weekend, friends.

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